Hi Princesses!
loooooooong time no see 8(><)8
I'm sorry I'm busy everyday..
yeah... almost Japanese say "I'm busy!!!" ^^*
but ''I'm really busy 8(*^ ^*)8
I have recieved a lot of question for International shipping.
but I was not able to write about it to all of question.
so I wrote about it on my other blog..
Please check it out!
I'm thinking my new fashion from Hime-gyaru to ?????
I think I need more rococo than Hime-gyaru fashion.
by the way,
Please look this jacket!!8(*^ ^*)8
Jesusu Diamante
my favorite ♪♪♪
You can check new pics anytime at my Japanese blog
Have a lovely day and see you soon 8(*^ ^*)8
all of my LOVE